New book covers for The Wolf Riders of Keldarra

I made the decision to change the book covers for the epic fantasy series The Wolf Riders of Keldarra to something closer to what the theme of the book is about: WOLVES.

These covers feature a photo I actually found accidentally in an old archive of photos of perhaps a decade or more ago, which were random photos, but includes three photos of animals I photographed at a zoo I visited once. One photo was that of a wolf looking directly at me, and immediately I decided to use it as the new photo for a backdrop for the book cover.

I’ve sorted out the book covers for every book in the series except for the “blurb” that goes on them, and when I saw how nice the book cover looked, I decided to make sure ALL my different editions featured this cover. I did my books I print under my own imprint Emerentsia Publications ( first, following it hot on the heels by changing the Kindle edition of each book, and because I AM an independent author I was able to re-issue the covers for the books that are published at CreateSpace, and they should be live in a few days or so throughout the Amazon network.

Please feel free to share this post on your own blog site so everyone knows about these changes.

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